Today's Agenda

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If you need additional ​digital learning ​resources for reading, ​you can login to:



Class News

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Check Remind for the ​weekly newsletter and ​imp​ortant updates!

Classroom Policies

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Our School-Wide Expectations apply in the classroom and everywhere else in the school.

Be Ready

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Homework: Students have a reading log to fill in each week. They should read for 20-30 minutes each night. Students should also study their spelling words each week before the test on Friday.

Word of the Month

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Specials Schedule

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Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6





Media or ​Guidance


Computer ​Lab

Class Resources

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These links are for parents and students. Login codes are on the board in the classroom.

More links coming soon

Meet the Teacher

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Mrs. Reed

  • 2006 graduate of the Women's College of Brenau ​University
  • 19th year of teaching in the Barrow County School ​System
  • 16th year of teaching 3rd grade at Holsenbeck ​Elementary

Contact Information

Communication between home and school is important. Please send me a Remind message or email if you have any questions or concerns.

tips for Parents

Arrow Pointing Down Icon
Numeral Blocks on Blue Background

Work with your student to ensure mastery of their math facts. Math fact fluency is a very important factor in overall math achievement.

Children reading books at park

Studies show that students who read outside of school have better vocabularies and higher grades than their peers who do not read at home.

Building Blocks and Pencils on Lilac Background

Talk with your child about school and reach out to the teachers when you have any questions.